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Time : 1 month


Implication :Level Design, script kismet


Engine : Chivalry SDK (UDK modify)


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Level flow

Objectives of Mason Prison


The idea was to take the point of view of a group of imprisoned soldiers. A prison is also mainly composed of thigh corridor to avoid prisoners from grouping. This gives an interesting challenge to design a prison and to balance the design between corridors and open conflict zones.


Level flow

First Objective


Agatha's soldier spawn in the sewers or also called the “Soon to be tortured block”. The first objective is to get to the gate that separate them from the rounded prison and destroy it.


Level flow

Second objective


The second objective is to free comrade from the prison cells. To free them, player has to destroy the lock on the grating. There is 23 comrades to help but up to 30 cells to search for them. Each cell does not include a comrade to free. Make sure you don't forget anyone


Level flow
Level flow
Level flow

Third objective


The third objective is to escape from the prison by opening the main gate. To do so, Agatha soldiers have to stand near the opening mechanism for at least 60 seconds.


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